School of trouT Online Classes

We love holding our School of Trout classes at TroutHunter on the Henry’s Fork. It’s an exceptional facility that features tremendous food and lodging, while the Henry’s Fork is a truly amazing fishery.

Unfortunately, we had to cancel our 2020 classes because of the coronavirus pandemic. While we resumed our in-person classes in 2021, we also decided to offer a limited number of live, personalized online classes that do not require our students to travel.

Our SOT Online Classes are small, with two SOT instructors for one to four students. We’ll feature our regular instructors, although you may see some exciting new faces as well. The classes will take place on Zoom, and they’ll be personalized to fit your particular needs and desires.

How does it work? Well, you tell us which aspects of fly fishing you’d like to focus on, and how many hours you can devote over the course of a day (or longer), and we will design your personalized class, quote you a price, and get you on our schedule. Every student will need access to a suitable computer, tablet or smart phone, along with a reliable internet connection, in order to participate.

What should you expect if you take a personalized, live SOT Online class? For starters, two of our iconic angling instructors will share valuable information, along with their favorite techniques and tactics, about the subjects of your choice. You’ll be able to talk with the instructors — both of whom will participate for the entire class — and ask questions, and you should learn a great deal about your topics of interest.

Please keep in mind, though, that there are some limitations to what we can teach. For example, we won’t be able to take you out on the river and show you how to read water, or how to stalk a rising rainbow trout. What we can promise, though, is that we’ll do our very best to make our live SOT Online classes a popular and valuable addition to our curriculum.

If you’re interested in scheduling a live, personalized SOT Online class, please click on the button below to send us an application and start the ball rolling.